FINE JAPAN is a nutraceutical company that has been manufacturing, researching and developing health food supplements for over 40 years.
FINE products from research, manufacturing, to inspection are all done in their in-house system. They ensure and prioritize product safety and security.
We are FINE Japan Authorised Dealer in Malaysia.
Products are directly and legally imported from FINE Japan. Genuine products guaranteed!
FINE Japan 是日本40多年保健品厂家。一直以来以 【带给大家健康与美丽】为宗旨,累积20多年研发和生产胶原蛋白经验,拥有独家配方和生产工艺。
FINE Japan 在日本自设工厂,拥有自己R&D团队,并在日本大阪大学设有FINE生物科学研究所。
多年来力争研发高品质的产品和提供顾客最佳的保健补助品。产品荣获多项国际认证包括ISO, GMP, JAS Organic 和国际金赏大奖。
我们是在马来西亚授权总经销商,代理合法进口FINE Japan 产品,品质保证!